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The Goal of the Organic Content Standard (OCS)

The Goal of the Organic Content Standard (OCS) is to ensure trust in organic content claims.
The  OCS  accomplishes  this  goal  by  verifying the  presence  and  amount  of Organic  Material in  a  final product.  It provides a strong chain of custody system from the source of the organic raw material to the final product through certification. It allows for transparent, consistent, and comprehensive independent
evaluation  and  verification  of Organic  Material content  claims  on  products by  an  accredited  third-party Certification  Body (CB).
As  a  business-to-business  tool, the  OCS may be  used to  ensure  that products companies purchase actually contain Organic Material.
The Standard does not cover the certification of the raw material itself, which is verified independently of the  production  process  certification.  It  also  does  not  address processing inputs  (e.g.  chemicals), environmental  aspects  of  processing  (e.g.  energy  or  water  usage),  social  issues,  safety  issues,  or  legal
Intended users of the OCS are processors, manufacturers, brands and retailers, traders, certification bodies, and organizations supporting
organic raw material initiatives.
This is a voluntary standard that is not intended to replace the legal or regulatory requirements of any country. It is the responsibility of each operation to demonstrate compliance with all applicable laws and
regulations  related  to  marketing, labor and  business  practices.
Where  local  legislation  and  the  OCS requirements  conflict,  the  Certification  Body  shall  contact  TE  to  find  the  most  practical  solution.  When there  is  confusion  about  the  interpretation  of  the  Standard,  the  first  point  of  contact  shall  be  the Certification Body, which will contact Textile Exchange if further clarification is needed.
Textile Exchange is an international, member-supported non-profit organization that was established in 2003  under  the  original  name  of  Organic  Exchange. Textile  Exchange’s  mission  is  to  inspire  and  equip people to accelerate sustainable practices in the textile value chain.

Эта статья была опубликована 13 апреля 2017 г..
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